Environmental sanitation drawing competition was launched to evaluate the four workshop organized with support from Environment 360, and Tunza Eco-Generation.
The competition was launched on Tuesday 17th may 2016 by IDEAS – UCC team. The participating schools were Imam Khomeini Primary School and Samrose Complex Academy, both in Amamoma community within the University of Cape Coast (UCC) in the Central Region of Ghana.
The submission date was set for 23rd may, 2016 and a total of 468 pupils were expected to take part in the competition (253 from Imam Khomeini Primary School and 215 from Samrose Complex Acacdemy). Out of this 468 pupils, 213 (128 from Imam Khomeini, and 85 from Samrose Complex Academy) drawings were submitted.
Out of the submitted, 33 were shortlisted and then the final 3 were selected from the 33.
The criteria used for shortlisting included the following the drawing should send a clear message, the drawing should be creative, colored and neat.
The winners (Margaret Osman – 1st place, Abigail Andoh – 2nd place, Kwame Adonor – 3rd place) were awarded in the following way:
FIRST PRIZE = a certificate and a gift certificate for a school uniform.
SECOND PRIZE = a certificate, a Milo branded football and cap, a recycled basket, a coloring book, and a rule.
THIRD PRIZE = a certificate, a sound instrument, a coloring book, and a rule.
The awards were presented to the winners on Friday the 3rd of June, 2016.
The certificates and prizes were provided by Environment 360. Tunza Eco-generation provided pens, sticky note, and leaflets which were used during the workshop.