First ZeroWaste Public Event in Ghana.

On World Environmental Day 2018, GAYO together with Ghana Youth Environmental Movement held Power Shift 2018 in Accra to under the theme ‘Beat Plastic Pollution”. GAYO, led by Joshua Amponsem, was excited to share with about 200 young people the origin of plastics, how it pollutes our environment, the effects on human health and simple steps they can take to reduce their dependence on single-use plastics.

Participants having lunch in traditional and plastic-free packaging.

The session which lasted for about 45 minutes had a huge impact on everyone who attended Power Shift Ghana 2018 and it was a moment for individuals to make a commitment to ditch disposable plastic products.

Below is the presentation used during the session. Have a read and make a commitment to end plastic pollution. You are welcome to ask any question on how to live a plastic-free life. Ultimately, Green Africa Youth Organization together with the entire youth environmental activists in Ghana, we hope to create a sustainable and healthy country through a #PlasticFreeGhana campaign.

Presentation on Plastic Pollution in Ghana.
Joshua Amponsem
Joshua Amponsem leading the presentation on Plastic Pollution @ Power Shift 2018.